There was a great event organized by La Fe in Thailand. Actually that was 2 events. One exhibition of IWS Thailand in Huahin and Masters Exhibition in Bangkok. I spent only 4 days and the day when I came was the last day in Huahin. So I missed painting on location and many other moments but still there is something to share... Part I. Maybe there will be Part II...
Prafull Sawant (India), Selma Todorova (Bulgaria), Joe f. Dowden (UK), K. Sterkhov (Russia)
Liang Gang (China) and K. Sterkhov (Russia)
Among participants are La Fe (Thailand), Rajesh Sawant (India), Igor Sava (Italy) and myself
In front right - Ali Abbas (Pakistan) and myself
Igor Sava (Italy), myself, Ali Abbas (Pakistan)
Participants of the Master`s exhibition in Bangkok
Jansen Chow (Malaysia), Joe Dowden (UK) and myself